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SK6239 : St Edmund King & Martyr church, Holme Pierrepoint by Dave Kelly
SK6038 : Holme Pierrepoint Caravan & Camping Park by Oxymoron
SK6038 : Holme Pierrepoint Caravan & Camping Park by Oxymoron
TF6218 : Pierrepoint Pumping Station by Martin Pearman
SK6239 : Holme Pierrepoint Hall by Richard Croft
SK6139 : White water rafting by Richard Croft
SK6138 : Race observation kiosk by David Lally
SK6239 : St.Edmund's church by Richard Croft
SK6139 : White water rafting by Richard Croft
SK6239 : St.Edmund's church by Richard Croft
SK6138 : Rowing Sculpture, Holme Pierrepoint. by Colin Smith
SK6239 : Holme Pierrepont Hall by Richard Croft
SK6139 : Canoe and White Water, Holme Pierrepoint. by Colin Smith
SK6239 : St.Edmund's church lychgate by Richard Croft
SK6139 : White water rafting by Richard Croft
SY4692 : The Pierrepoint Gallery by N Chadwick
SK6139 : White water rafting by Richard Croft
SK2168 : Bakewell, All Saints Church: Sir George Manners (d.1623) and Grace Pierrepoint, his wife (d.1650) by Michael Garlick
SK2168 : Bakewell, All Saints Church: Sir George Manners (d.1623) and Grace Pierrepoint, his wife (d.1650) by Michael Garlick
SK2168 : Bakewell, All Saints Church: Sir George Manners (d.1623) and Grace Pierrepoint, his wife (d.1650) by Michael Garlick
SK2168 : Bakewell, All Saints Church: Sir George Manners (d.1623) and Grace Pierrepoint, his wife (d.1650) by Michael Garlick
SK2168 : Bakewell, All Saints Church: Sir George Manners (d.1623) and Grace Pierrepoint, his wife (d.1650) by Michael Garlick
SK2168 : Bakewell, All Saints Church: Sir George Manners (d.1623) and Grace Pierrepoint, his wife (d.1650) by Michael Garlick
TF6218 : Pumping station waterway by Martin Pearman
SK6439 : Polser Brook by Donnylad
SE1131 : Hanging Falls, Clayton by Paul Glazzard
ST7564 : Southeast Bath by Neil Owen
TF6221 : North Lynn, Bawsey Drain by David Dixon
TF6220 : King's Lynn, Bawsey Drain by David Dixon
SK6238 : Public Footpath by Oxymoron
TQ1980 : Oak Tree Court, Acton by David Hawgood
SJ8399 : Her Majesty's Prison, Manchester (formerly Strangeways Prison) by Keith Williamson
ST7564 : Terrace Walk, Bath by Jonathan Billinger
TQ3183 : 106 Islington High Street by Ian Capper

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About 34 results. Explore these images more: in the Browser or in the standard search (may return slightly different results).