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N1719 : "Thomas the Tank Engine" by Oliver Dixon
N1819 : Bike hire centre at the Lough Boora Discovery Park by Oliver Dixon
N1720 : Entering the village of Boora from the east along the R357 by Eric Jones
N1720 : The R357 west of Boora by Eric Jones
N1719 : "60 Degrees" by Kevin O'Dwyer by Oliver Dixon
N1819 : Path to the visitor centre, Lough Boora Discovery Park by Oliver Dixon
N1820 : Farmland north of the R357 by Eric Jones
N1819 : "Turf,  Wind and Fire" by Oliver Dixon
N1719 : Footbridge in Lough Boora Discovery Park by Oliver Dixon
N1620 : Peatland railway near Lough Boora by Oliver Dixon
N1820 : Teach Lea Community Building by Oliver Dixon
N1719 : "Boora Convergence" by David Kinane by Oliver Dixon
N1820 : Sheep with lambs, Teach Lea by Oliver Dixon
N1819 : Visitor Centre, Lough Boora Discovery Park by Oliver Dixon
N1719 : Old peatland locomotive by Oliver Dixon
N1720 : Chapel of St Oliver Plunkett, Lea Beg, Boora by Eric Jones
N1620 : Peatland railway near Lough Boora by Oliver Dixon
N1720 : Bungalow at Lea Beg by Oliver Dixon
N1620 : View east along the R357 by Eric Jones
N1720 : The R357 at the junction of L70090 road to Lough Boora Parklands by Eric Jones
N1819 : Peat Briquette works at Lough Boora by Oliver Dixon
N1719 : "Cycles" by Caroline Madden by Oliver Dixon
N1719 : "Cycles" and "Boora Convergence" by Oliver Dixon
N1719 : Assorted peatland railway locomotives by Oliver Dixon
N1819 : Visitor Centre, Lough Boora Discovery Park by Oliver Dixon
N1819 : New artworks at Lough Boora Discovery Park by Oliver Dixon
N1719 : "Lough Boora Triangle" by Jørn Rønna by Oliver Dixon

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About 27 results. Explore these images more: in the Browser or in the standard search (may return slightly different results).