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S5624 : The M9 Northbound at Junction 11 by Ian S
S5523 : A view north-west of south Kilkenny by Redmond O'Brien
S5724 : Grave Monument by kevin higgins
S5623 : Northbound M9 near Mullinavat by David Dixon
S5623 : The M9 Northbound towards junction 11 by Ian S
S5623 : Weir on River Blackwater (Kilkenny) by Redmond O'Brien
S5624 : Mullinavat main street, Co.Kilkenny by Humphrey Bolton
S5624 : New Bridge by kevin higgins
S5724 : Grave Monuments by kevin higgins
S5624 : Derelict building by the stream, Mullinavat, Co.Kilkenny by Humphrey Bolton
S5524 : Bridge over the Pollanassy River by Redmond O'Brien
S5724 : Ancient Churchyard by kevin higgins
S5624 : Northbound M9, Bridge at Junction 11 by David Dixon
S5724 : Kilbeacon Church, Mullinavat, Co. Kilkenny by Kieran Campbell
S5623 : Mullinavat railway station (site), County Kilkenny by Nigel Thompson

About 15 results. Explore these images more: in the Browser or in the standard search (may return slightly different results).
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