Ships on the River Bann :: Shared Description

A collection of photographs of ships which have visited the River Bann and Coleraine.
by Albert Bridge
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78 images use this description. Preview sample shown below:

C8432 : The "Osiris" at Coleraine by Albert Bridge
C8432 : The "Nordica Hav" at Coleraine by Albert Bridge
C8432 : The "Rock Island" at Coleraine by Albert Bridge
C8432 : The "Swedica Hav", Coleraine (1) by Albert Bridge
C7836 : The "Sesam", River Bann near the Barmouth by Albert Bridge
C8432 : The "Ben Ellan", Coleraine by Albert Bridge
C8432 : The "Fingal" at Coleraine by Albert Bridge
C8432 : The "Trader" at Coleraine by Albert Bridge
C8433 : The "Perelle", River Bann, Coleraine by Albert Bridge
C8432 : Discharging at Coleraine harbour by Albert Bridge
C8432 : The "Nord Star" at Coleraine by Albert Bridge
C8432 : The "Nellie M" at Coleraine by Albert Bridge
C8432 : The "Explorer" at Coleraine by Albert Bridge
C8432 : The "Nord Star" at Coleraine by Albert Bridge
C8432 : The "Salina II" at Coleraine by Albert Bridge
C8432 : The "Pilsum" at Coleraine by Albert Bridge
C8432 : The "Britannica Hav" at Coleraine (2) by Albert Bridge
C8432 : The "Eems Stream" at Coleraine by Albert Bridge
C8432 : The "Roger" at Coleraine by Albert Bridge
C8432 : The "Arklow Marsh" at Coleraine by Albert Bridge
C8432 : Harbour tug, Coleraine by Albert Bridge
C8432 : The "Maja" at Coleraine by Albert Bridge
C8432 : The "Louise Trader" at Coleraine by Albert Bridge
C8432 : The "Lagoda-102" at Coleraine by Albert Bridge
C8432 : The "Aladain" at Coleraine by Albert Bridge

... and 53 more images.

These Shared Descriptions are common to multiple images. For example, you can create a generic description for an object shown in a photo, and reuse the description on all photos of the object. All descriptions are public and shared between contributors, i.e. you can reuse a description created by others, just as they can use yours.
Created: Fri, 7 Jan 2011, Updated: Fri, 7 Jan 2011

The 'Shared Description' text on this page is Copyright 2011 Albert Bridge, however it is specifically licensed so that contributors can reuse it on their own images without restriction.

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