University College London (UCL) :: Shared Description

University College London (UCL) is located in London. Founded in 1826, UCL was the first university institution to be founded in London. UCL became one of the two founding colleges of the University of London in 1836.
UCL is organised into 10 faculties. The main campus is located in the Bloomsbury.
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by N Chadwick
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12 images use this description:

TQ2982 : University College Hospital General Block by N Chadwick
TQ2982 : University College Hospital Medical School by N Chadwick
TQ2982 : Gordon Street by DS Pugh
TQ2982 : Observatory, UCL by N Chadwick
TQ3082 : School of Pharmacy, UCL by N Chadwick
TQ2982 : Grafton Way by N Chadwick
TQ2982 : Gower St by N Chadwick
TQ2982 : The Watson Building, UCL by N Chadwick
TQ2982 : UCL Central Block by N Chadwick
TQ3082 : International Hall (UCL) by N Chadwick
TQ2982 : University College Hospital General Block by N Chadwick
TQ2982 : University College Hospital General Block by N Chadwick

These Shared Descriptions are common to multiple images. For example, you can create a generic description for an object shown in a photo, and reuse the description on all photos of the object. All descriptions are public and shared between contributors, i.e. you can reuse a description created by others, just as they can use yours.
Created: Fri, 9 Dec 2011, Updated: Thu, 15 Dec 2011

The 'Shared Description' text on this page is Copyright 2011 N Chadwick, however it is specifically licensed so that contributors can reuse it on their own images without restriction.

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