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C4417 : Memorial to the Battle of the Atlantic, Ebrington Square by David Dixon Memorial to the Battle of the Atlantic, Ebrington Square by David Dixon
geograph for square C4417
The Battle of the Atlantic LinkExternal link... (more)
C4417 : The International Sailor by David Dixon The International Sailor by David Dixon
for square C4417
A closer look at C4417 : Memorial to the Battle of the Atlantic, Ebrington Square. The Battle of the Atlantic... (more)
C4417 : Memorial to the Battle of the Atlantic by Ian S Memorial to the Battle of the Atlantic by Ian S
for square C4417
At the former Ebrington Barracks, Londonderry / Derry.... (more)
C4417 : Memorial to the Battle of the Atlantic by Ian S Memorial to the Battle of the Atlantic by Ian S
geograph for square C4417
At the former Ebrington Barracks, Londonderry / Derry.... (more)
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