Welcome to Geograph Ireland

The Geograph project aims to collect geographically representative photographs and information for every square kilometre of Ireland, and you can be part of it.

Getting started...

Exploring in more depth...

Interacting with other software...

What is Geographing?

  • It's a game - how many grid squares will you contribute?
  • It's a geography project for the people
  • It's a national photography project
  • It's a good excuse to get out more!
  • It's a free and open online community project for all

How do I get started?

Registration is free so come and join us and see how many grid squares you can claim first! Read the FAQ, then get submitting - we hope you'll enjoy being a part of this great project

We are still developing geograph.ie, and tailoring it to the Geograph Ireland project.

While we make the transition, this beta site may show some pages with elements a little out of kilter, but we still welcome any feedback.

· Geograph on: TwitterExternal link, FacebookExternal link

Donate/Support Us

Within Ireland... 1,080 users have contributed 388,141 images covering 41,301 grid squares, or 47.1% of the total.
Recently completed hectads: J44, J02, J27, W76, J08, more...
27,851 photographed squares with fewer than 4 photos, add yours now!

Geograph Ireland is a currently sub-project of Geograph Britain and IrelandExternal link, the two sites share a common database. Photos submitted to one will be available on the other.
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