Activity - recreating historic photos
Published: 20 December 2010
You can of course recreate any view, but below are tips for recreating several specific types of images.
Recreating a Geograph Photo
Find a Geograph photo you want to recreate, and submit a new version.
Try to stand in the same place as the original photographer, and if possible crop the photo as close as possible to the original image. You could also crop the new photo on your computer.
You can then submit the pair to Same view different time (& same view same day)

This will automatically create a new page for the pair, and link it in the sidebar beside each photo.
Example page

You could also create an article documenting the change, see

Recreating a Francis Frith Photo
The Francis Frith Collection

Again you can recreate a particular photograph and upload it to Geograph.
When you submit your new photo, include a web-link to the original photo from in your photo description.
This is a recreation of the 1899 photo of St Mary's Church that can be found in the Frith collection here: Link
It's obviously the same subject, and at first glance the church appears unchanged. However the upper windows have all been redesigned and the whole lower section of the building (with the green roof) is now different.

It's obviously the same subject, and at first glance the church appears unchanged. However the upper windows have all been redesigned and the whole lower section of the building (with the green roof) is now different.
by Nigel Davies
In so doing we can display the images together, a prototype is visible here

We have a basic listing available here

Recreating a Domesday Project Photo
The BBC Domesday Project was compiled between 1984 and 1986 and published in 1986. It was based on 4x3km areas known as 'D-blocks'. People were able to survey and submit photos and descriptions for each D-block.
It 2011, the BBC published it online as Domesday Reloaded

On Geograph, the "More Links" page for a grid square includes a link to the D-block on Domesday Reloaded.
For recreating Domesday photos on Geograph, you can link to the original on the Domesday Reloaded site. Also add the tag Domesday Reloaded to allow them to be searched.
Tag:Domesday reloaded (89 images)