Assistance Launching a Geograph Project
Published: 14 November 2017
We - as in the team behind maintaining the Geograph Britain and Ireland project/website - would like to extend the following offer to any anyone looking to create a new Geograph project covering another country. The code itself is free, but there are a lot of considerations to get going. We hope to make the process a little easier by providing 'getting started' hosting - one less thing to worry about!
Website hosting
Geograph Project Ltd
- Website Hosting, on shared hosting server
+ php/mysql/apache/sphinx suitable to run a geograph style website
+ several 'GB' of disk space for photos etc. (more by negotiation)
+ bandwidth to run a small/medium successful site
+ FTP and SSH login
+ Free Daily backups
+ Free SSL service - Email service, with a Plesk Login to administrate it.
- Informal tech support
... on the basis it's not entirely unlimited. If/when the site grows big enough to be costing us money, we can talk and work out how to cover the costs.
- optional use of a Link
- Free code hosting on (the code itself, is already 'free', but need somewhere to host your own 'fork' of the codebase)
Developer Assistance
Our own developers can help...- assistance customizing/forking the Geograph codebase. Not offering to do the work to set it up nor maintain, but will help out.
- Informal help with publicity (including mentioning the site on etc)
What would still be needed...
Alas there is still lots of work to be done...
- Coordinator(s) - to setup and coordinate, publicize the project
- Developer(s) - to customize the code to the country/location
Would include 'sourcing' GIS/mapping data, grid information, gazetteer etc. - Moderator(s) - to approve images etc
- Contributors!
- a domain - if not using a subdomain
Contact us: Link to get started.
Text © Copyright Barry Hunter, November 2017