Chimneys and chimney pots, Northern Ireland
- Ballyclare
- Ballylumford power station
- Banbridge
- Bangor
- Castlewellan
- Carrickfergus
- City Hospital Belfast
- Cloghan Point, Belfast Lough
- Coalisland
- Comber
- Craigavad
- Craigavon
- Cultra
- Crumlin Road Gaol
- Darkley
- Donaghcloney
- Dundonald
- Dunmurry
- Edenderry Mill
- Gilford
- Glenarm
- Hillsborough
- Holywood
- Jennymount Mill
- Katesbridge
- Kilroot power station
- Lambeg
- Lisburn
- Monarch Laundry
- Mossley Mill
- Muckamore
- Newtownards
- Omagh
- Owen O’Cork Mills
- Portadown
- Queen’s University, Belfast
- Saintfield
- Sirocco
I have no specialist knowledge of architecture or their construction and design. The photographs appear as a matter of historical record and are listed, alphabetically, by city, town and village except where the chimney is better known by its own name eg Kilroot power station is under K and not Carrickfergus. Click on the photograph to enlarge and read its caption.
This link Link

First prepared 17 November 2013.
Updated 21 July 2017

Cloghan Point

Kilroot power station

Ballylumford power station

Disused mill chimneys

Former Bangor Castle leisure centre
Bangor hospital

Brunswick Road

Seacliff Road

Southwell Road

Victoria Road

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