Collections on Geograph
Published: 27 April 2008

Below is a short overview of the various sections we have for contributing content, please choose an appropriate section for your idea. Thank you!
Articles / Pages
Ideal for a lengthy textual piece, created by a single user. The rich formatting options allow for very diverse content.But equally can be used for all sorts of collections, needn't contain much text.
- Highly visible and indexed by search engines
- Author chooses specific licence for the work
- Rich formatting options (wiki style)
- Can be split into multiple pages
- Can be open for collaborative editing (anyone can edit the article)
- Can embed map extracts
- Can include non Geograph pictures (by request)
- Displays a table of contents
- Printer Friendly
- Counts page views
- Saves full edit history
- Indexed and fully Searchable in the Content Section
- Organised into categories
| View Articles

Note: Also used for some guideline documents

Discussion Based
We also have a number of content areas based on the forum, so these are good for ongoing content and may accept contributions from multiple usersshare the following common features:
- Content is copyright of the poster
- Tracks additions, but not edits. (GSD posts are locked after 24 hours)
- Threads viewable by last addition, or creation date order
- Split into pages, so good for long and ongoing content
- View count available (when viewed on its own page)
- Collaborative - any user can add content - but the Gallery author can apply a lock to prevent replies.
- Searchable using the Forum Search and in the Content Section.
Good for image collections, allow images on a similar theme to be quickly collated.- Publicly viewable and indexed by search engines
- Public view and Forum style view available
- Indexed and fully Searchable in the Content Section
| View Galleries

Themed Topics
(renamed from Submitted Articles)Good for collaborative topics on specific themes - usually includes some discussion.
- Only available to Registered Users (as part of the Forum or the Content section)
| View Topics

Grid Square Discussions
Ideal for short discussions about specific locations, and/or adding local information.- Linked to from the Grid Square Browse page and relevant Photo pages
- Also visible to Registered Users as part of the Forum
- Searchable Geographically
and viewable on a map
| View Discussions

All of the above are trackable with RSS feeds, look for the RSS icons on the relevant pages.
Help Pages
We have number of pages that make up official documents, these are only editable by site developers - contact us if would like to see an update in this area.| Linked from the FAQ page

Search Results
The search be definition results a 'collection' of images, based upon some criteria. You can use the 'Feature this search
TIP: The Marked List

| Featured Searches

Shared Descriptions
By attaching a shared description to multiple images, its possible to create a mini collection of images. Every shared description gets a dedicated page, which lists the images its used on.| View Sample