Images shortlisted for GOTY and POTY
Images shortlisted for GOTY and POTY
Listed below are galleries of images selected for the shortlist of weekly entries for the GOTY (Geograph of the Year) and POTY (Photograph of the Year) competitions, arranged by year.2006
Historical background
At the beginning of 2006, one of our founding fathers, Gary Rogers, introduced the GOTY (Geograph of the Year) competition. From the outset, this comprised a series of weekly competitions in which a shortlist of the best images taken in the preceding week was selected by one of a member of a selection panel, operating in rotation. The week's winner was then determined by the winner of the previous week's competition. With occasional exceptions, the weeks in which the date on which eligible images were taken would run from Saturday to the following Friday, and by the end of 2007, it was decided that normally images had to be submitted by the end of the following Tuesday to be considered.
Initially, the shortlists were indeed quite short - sometimes comprising as few as 19 images, but by the beginning of 2008, the size of the shortlist was standardised at 50 and with the occasional deviation, the shortlist has been retained at or about this size to this day.
The other significant change over the years was that during 2010, following a poll of contributors, the decision was made to change the title to POTY (Photograph of the Year). This change reflected the fact that many of the images being shortlisted were in fact what used to be termed "supplemental" images rather than what were strictly defined as "geographs"; indeed "supplementals" and their successor categories continue to feature disproportionately in the shortlist. The change in title was back-dated to the beginning of 2010.
For many years Keith Edkins (aka Laverock) maintained a separate website with thumbnails of all the shortlisted entries for the GOTY/POTY competition. The thumbnails were arranged by alphabetical order of contributor, with a separate page for each year. He also issued a yearly leaderboard in the discussion forum. Towards the end of 2018, Keith found it no longer possible to continue with this labour of love. Very soon afterwards, the domain under which these galleries had been published was discontinued by Vodafone and as a result the entire archive, which many Geograph enthusiasts found interesting and useful, disappeared from the web.
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