Images shortlisted for POTY, 2014
- A: Adam Ward to alistairG
- A: Albert Bridge to Andy Beecroft
- A: Andy Farrington to Ashley Dace
- B
- C: Ceri Thomas to Chris Heaton
- C: Chris Holifield to Craig Wallace
- D: D M Wilmot to David Dixon
- D: David Gearing to Derek Dye
- D: Derek Harper to Dylan Moore
- E to F
- G
- H
- I: Iain Smith to Ian Rob
- I: Ian S to Ian Taylor
- J: J.Hannan-Briggs to Jim Barton
- J: Jim Champion to John Stephen
- J: John Sutton to Josie Campbell
- J: J Thomas to Julian Paren
- K: Karl and Ali to Keith Edkins
- K: Keith Evans to Kurseong Carl
- L
- M: M J Richardson to Mick Garratt
- M: Mick Lobb to Mr Ignavy
- N
- O
- P: P L Chadwick to Peter Holmes
- P: Peter McDermott to Peter Trimming
- P: Peter Whatley to Phillip Williams
- R: Raymond Knapman to Richard Smith
- R: Richard Webb to Robert Struthers
- R: Robin Drayton to Roger D Kidd
- R: Roger A Smith to Ruth Sharville
- S: Sandra Humphrey to Stephen McKay
- S: Stephen Middlemiss to Sylvia Duckworth
- T
- V to W
- Leaderboard
E to F
Edmund Shaw (96629) 34

El Pollock (38853) 2

Elizabeth Angus (103976) 1

Eric Jones (7056) 6

Evelyn Simak (14840) 20

Flying Stag (55465) 1

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