Images shortlisted for POTY, 2015
- A: Adam C Snape to Alan Richards
- A: Albert Bridge to Andrew Curtis
- A: Andrew Tryon to Ashley Dace
- B
- C: Carroll Pierce to Chris Morgan
- C: Chris N Illingworth to Craig Wallace
- D: D M Wilmot to David Brown
- D: David Dixon to David Lally
- D: David Martin to Derek Bennett
- D: Derek Harper to Dylan Moore
- E to F
- G: G Laird to Gerald England
- G: Glyn Baker to Guy Wareham
- H
- I
- J: J Hannan-Briggs to Jim Osley
- J: John Allan to John Stephen
- J: John Sutton to JThomas
- J: Julian Dowse to Julian Paren
- K
- L
- M: M H Evans to Mat Fascione
- M: Mat Tuck to Mick Garratt
- M: Mick Lobb to Mrs Anna Walton
- N
- O
- P: P L Chadwick to Peter Facey
- P: Peter McDermott to philandju
- P: Philip Halling to Philip Pankhurst
- R: Raibeart MacAoidh to Richard West
- R: Rob Farrow to Roger A Smith
- R: Roger Cornfoot to Ruth Sharville
- S: S J Dowden to Stephen Sweeney
- S: Steve Fareham to Sylvia Duckworth
- T
- V to W
- Leaderboard
A: Adam C Snape to Alan Richards
Adam C Snape (122082) 1

Adrian S Pye (46997) 9

Alan Bowring (8255) 1

Alan Hodgson (43620) 5

Alan Hughes (121420) 3

Alan Hunt (43457) 14

Alan Murray-Rust (9181) 15

Alan O'Dowd (34944) 20

Alan Reid (45856) 12

Alan Richards (48504) 3

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