Images shortlisted for POTY, 2017
- A: Adam Ward to Alan Reid
- A: Alan Richards to Andrew Tryon
- A: Andrew Woodvine to Arthur C Harris
- B
- C: cefngyfelach to Chris Whippet
- C: Chris Wimbush to cud05
- D: Danny P Robinson to David Lewis
- D: David Martin to Derek Harper
- D: Derek Mayes to Dylan Moore
- E to F
- G: G Laird to Glyn Baker
- G: Gordon Brown to Guy Wareham
- H to I
- J: J.Hannan-Briggs to Jim Barton
- J: Jim Osley to John Myers
- J: John S Turner to Jonathan Hutchins
- J: Jonathan Thacker to Julian Paren
- K
- L
- M: M J Richardson to Mary and Angus Hogg
- M: Mat Fascione to Meirion
- M: Michael Garlick to Mike Faherty
- M: Mike Pennington to Mr Eugene Birchall
- N: Neil Owen to Neil Theasby
- N: Nick Chipchase to Norman Caesar
- O
- P: P L Chadwick to Paul Harrop
- P: paul sandham to Peter Moore
- P: Peter Trimming to philrh
- R: Raibeart MacAoidh to Richard Vince
- R: Richard Webb to Robin Sones
- R: Robin Webster to Russel Wills
- S: Scott Cormie to Stephen McKay
- S: Stephen Richards to steven ruffles
- T
- V to W
- Leaderboard
C: cefngyfelach to Chris Whippet
cefngyfelach (124213) 1

Ceri Thomas (10875) 3

Chris (79357) 10

Chris Allen (4264) 7

Chris Andrews (16152) 12

Chris Downer (14700) 12

Chris Gunns (13385) 1

Chris Heaton (3298) 26

Chris Holifield (21337) 3

Chris Morgan (69729) 14

Chris N Illingworth (40419) 1

Chris Thomas-Atkin (124265) 4

Chris Whippet (27922) 3

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