Photos not taken by submitter
Published: 14 October 2008
What is acceptable?
Most photographs in Geograph are taken by the registered contributor. We do have a process so contributors can submit on behalf of another photographer, but this requires the two parties to be known or related to each other.Photographs must have been taken
(a) by a known photographer who has given permission
or (b) by a named deceased relative of the submitter, with permission of the copyright holder if this is not the submitter.
Among images which should not be submitted are those in the public domain, those with expired copyright like old postcards, and images already released under a Creative Commons licence by others.
How should photos be credited?
Photographs are published in Geograph under a Creative Commons licence
If the photographer name does not seem sufficient to make the attribution clear, the contributor's name can be included with the photographer's. Bear in mind that the photograph may appear not only on Geograph but on other websites or publications with the "Photographer's name" entry as the only indication of copyright ownership. The title and description from Geograph are usually not copied when the photo is copied to other places.

For this photo David Hawgood asked a member of the staff in a bar to take a photo, and put the photographer as "Bar staff for David Hawgood".
What special procedures apply to photos not taken by the submitter
During the submission process, after the photo has been uploaded to Geograph and image details entered, there is a page for the submitter to agree to the Creative Commons licence conditions. The relevant option here has a form:"I am not the photographer, and need to apply the appropriate credit for this image
By selecting the above option you certify that you as the 'Geograph Account Holder',
act as an authorised 'Licensor' (What does this mean?

Photographer Name:
Note: It's vitally important to be sure you are a valid 'Licensor' on behalf of the 'Original Author' mentioned here.
This option should not be used to republish the work of others already published under a Creative Commons Licence, either elsewhere or on Geograph; such content is not appropriate for Geograph.
What is a licensor

Procedure for using photos not taken by submitter

Information on the image page includes:
Photographer Brian Robert Marshall, Contributed by David Hawgood
The image page includes a link "Interested in reusing this image?"
This gives a page including:
"Thank you for your interest in this photo, you are more than welcome to use this image as long as you follow a few basic requirements:
Under the Creative Commons Licence, the image MUST be credited as specified by the contributor (David Hawgood has specified the image is credited to Brian Robert Marshall)."
In this case Brian Robert Marshall took the photo using David Hawgood's camera, specifically for David Hawgood to contribute to Geograph.
The page obtained from the link "Interested in reusing this image" gives code snippets for the credit in different circumstances, for example on general HTML pages, in Wikipedia, in a discussion forum.
The copyright line with the photo on Geograph, and generated by the code snippets with the "Interested in re-using this image" link, is:
"© Copyright Brian Robert Marshall and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence

Another example:

Photographer William Thomas Pinnell, Contributor Christine Matthews
This is from the family photos of the contributor. The photograph was taken in 1924, the photographer died in 1959.