Positions at Geograph
Published: 13 March 2012
Things you could be doing if you take a position as a Contributor...- Go photographing. Go out and enjoy the great countryside that Britain and Ireland have to offer. And then submit the photos to our collection
- Uploading archive shots. Have photos taken before you knew Geograph existed? Upload them now! Adding historical images adds valuable information and depth to the archive.
- Create Collections. Curate selections of geograph images - around a common theme. Ranging from an in depth article on the history of a village, to photos of every steam engine found on the site.
- Fix issues with images found on the site
- Help check incoming submissions for suitability and help new contributors get started.
- Oversee suggestions and corrections to images made by others.
Gazetteer Specialist
- Evaluate various gazetteers that we have access to (which is best to use in different situations)
- Moderate and deal with typos and other issues with gazetteers
- Incorporate updates from providers into our own database
- Figure out how to deal with ambiguity, different requirements for location selection