The Search Results page

Published: 19 November 2009
Once you have created a searchExternal link, you should get a page listing matching images. This Article documents various tricks you can do with a search results page.


Refine Search

For most searches you can click this link to be taken to the advanced search interface so you can refine the results.

Quick Refine

For 'keyword' searches, you can use this feature to quickly create a new search with just different keywords to the current search.

Display Formats

full listing

The standard display format, displays a thumbnail and useful textual data from the image.

full listing + links

Adds some direct links to various features. Includes a MarkExternal link link.

thumbnails only

Shows only the thumbnails.

thumbnails + links

Adds some choice direct links.

on a map

Shows a page at a time on an OS or Google Map.


Shows the full image and description in a slideshow mode.

slideshow - full page

Same, but without the site template, particularly useful in combination with the browser Full Screen mode - often F11.

slideshow - map imagine

More: LinkExternal link

cooliris 3d wall

Interactive 3D presentation. Will zoom to show the full image right in the page

cover flow

Shows thumbnails in a draggable timeline.

text list only

Plain text list of image titles.

multi editor

An easy way to edit multiple descriptions.

- Marked Links

If using one of the formats that allows marking of images, the 'marked images' toolbar is included. Find out moreExternal link. Your current marked list is available from the sidebar menu.


This is mostly non functional now (browsers have changed and no longer support it) - the idea was you opened the results in a sidebar, so could view the thumbnails and main photo at once.


For some searches you can get aggregated statistics, for the images in the result.


Can get the results in KML format, click the link to be taken to a page which offers various options for loading into Google Earth, Maps and even Bing Maps.

RRS (or geoRSS)

Get an RSS feed of the current images - in the order presented, good for loading into an external application. The 'geo' means the feed includes coordinates, for use by clients that understand it.


Download a waypoint file of the images for loading into mapping program and/or GPS devices.

Feature this search

If you have a particularly interesting search result you want to share, do it here.

Rate this search result

Give feedback on how this particular result page performs - we use this feedback to refine the search engine.

Background colour

Change the background colour - sometimes helps display the images better.

Creative Commons Licence [Some Rights Reserved]   Text © Copyright November 2009, Barry Hunter; licensed for reuse under a Creative Commons Licence.
With contributions by Penny Mayes. (details)
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