Uploading Geo-Tagged Images
Published: 13 January 2011
Original Submission Method
- On page 1 of submission, there is a dedicated Tab to upload a Tagged image, this will attempt to extract the Subject position from the EXIF-Geo Lat/Lng data, the image filename, or the Exif-Comment sections (attempted in that order).
- Whichever method is used, the date the photo was taken should be automatically extracted from the EXIF data (if present)
Submit v2
- When an image is uploaded, it is checked for the following:
EXIF-Geo Lat/Lng - used to populate the photographer position, and set the subject gridsquare.
Filename - the filename is checked for a Grid-Reference and if found used for Subject (overrides the grid-square set from EXIF Geo)
if not found in filename, then the EXIF-Comment is checked for Subject position.
- The date the photo was taken should be automatically extracted from the EXIF data (if present)
will attempt to extract the Subject position from the EXIF-Geo Lat/Lng data, the image filename, or the Exif-Comment sections (attempted in that order).Picasa Upload Button
Due to technical limitations of the upload process, no automatic extraction takes place (not even the date)JUppy bulk uploader
no automatic extraction takes placeTools
PicLocataA tool to "Tag and sort your pictures by GPS location" - basically correlates images with a GPS tracklog, to add locational information to the image files.
Download the Installer and Guide from here

Made by a Geograph contributor - so known to work well with geograph :)