- Types
- Post Mill
- Smock Mill
- Tower Mill
- Wind engine
- Location
- Materials
- Sails
- Preservation & Conversion
- Surviving Windmills
- England
- Bedfordshire
- Buckinghamshire
- Cambridgeshire
- Cheshire
- Cleveland
- Cornwall
- Cumbria
- Derbyshire
- Devon
- Dorset
- Durham
- Essex
- Gloucestershire
- Hampshire
- Hertfordshire
- Kent
- Lancashire
- Leicestershire
- Lincolnshire
- London
- Norfolk
- Northamptonshire
- Nottinghamshire
- Oxfordshire
- Shropshire
- Somerset
- Staffordshire
- Suffolk
- Surrey
- East Sussex
- West Sussex
- Tyne and Wear
- Warwickshire
- Wiltshire
- Worcestershire
- Yorkshire
- Isle of Man
- Ireland
- Down
- Dublin
- Kerry
- Kilkenny
- Londonderry
- Louth
- Meath
- Monaghan
- Ofally
- Roscommon
- Waterford
- Wexford
- Scotland
- Aberdeenshire
- Angus
- Ayrshire
- Berwickshire
- Caithness
- Clackmannanshire
- Dumfriesshire
- East Lothian
- Fife
- Kirkcudbrightshire
- Lanarkshire
- Midlothian
- Morayshire
- Orkney
- Perthshire
- Roxburghshire
- Stirlingshire
- West Lothian
- Wigtownshire
- Wales
- Anglesey
- Conwy
- Carmarthenshire
- Flintshire
- Glamorgan
- Gwynedd
- Monmouthshire
- Pembrokeshire
- Powys
- Mock windmills
- As seen on TV
- Further reading
Mock windmills

As seen on TV
"Jonathon Creek" (BBC, 1997-2008)"Mr Majeika" (ITV, 1988-1990)
Further reading
Geograph: Windmill category
Images Of England: Listed buildings

Wikipedia: UK Windmills

Windmill world

Shared descriptions
Post mills

Smock mills

Tower mills

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