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Air, Sky, Weather
- Republic of Ireland : 2010s[6]
Business, Retail, Services
- Northern Ireland : 2010s[6]
City, Town centre
- 2010s[11]
- 2000s[9] 2010s[6]
- Republic of Ireland : 2000s[17] 2010s[7]
Docks, Harbours
- Northern Ireland : 2000s[8] 2010s[23]
Estuary, Marine
- 2010s[8]
- Republic of Ireland : 2010s[19]
Farm, Fishery, Market Gardening
- Northern Ireland : 2010s[8]
Historic sites and artefacts
- Republic of Ireland : 2000s[6]
- 2010s[8]
Lakes, Wetland, Bog
- Northern Ireland : 2010s[7]
- 2010s[8]
Rivers, Streams, Drainage
- 2010s[8]
- Republic of Ireland : 2000s[6]
Roads, Road transport
- Northern Ireland : 2010s[27]
Woodland, Forest
- 2010s[9]