Geograph Knowledgebase / FAQ
- I've got a photo of an unknown castle (harbour, sheepfold,...) - do you know where it is?
- Chances are that someone on Geograph will recognise it if you show it to them. We've got a special area for images of unidentified locations at
. To use it, you need to sign up with Geograph first (free and painless) at
. Members are alerted to these speculative uploads on a special forum thread
Quite a few uncertain images are located using this facility. Once they are, they are transferred to the Geograph collection, and you can add a description and further information from your own research if you like. Good luck! - Can I change the category of photos submitted a year or more ago?
- Yes, it is still possible to change the category on older submissions but why not embrace Tags?
The old Category system is no longer available for most contributors on new submissions and there is a plan to remove Categories and replace with a tag. You can add tags to images which already have a Category and this may be a more useful exercise.
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