Geograph Knowledgebase / FAQ


Something seems to be broken - where can I report bugs?
Geograph runs on a pretty large database, and the load is spread over several servers. That means things do occasionally go wrong, and they aren't always consistent.

If a page doesn't display properly, try loading it again (by pressing F5) _once_. If that doesn't work, navigate away from the page, clear your cache (under privacy settings in most browsers) and try again. Or just wait a while, most of the time things get cleared up automatically given time.

If you think something is permanently wrong, post a bug report on the forum link . Remember to say which page is affected (best paste in its address), which browser and version, and which operating system and version you use.

If something is wrong about the _content_ of a page (description text, photo location etc.), use the 'suggest an update' link under the main picture to contact the contributor and moderators.

Photo Contributors

I've uploaded a picture, why is the square still green on my personal map?
Normally, maps get redrawn within 24 hours. If this doesn't happen, please post a bug report on this forum thread: link .

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