Geograph Knowledgebase / FAQ


Open source? Creative Commons? What's that all about?

Reusing Geograph Content

How do I print photographs directly from Geograph?
Can I use photos in publication?
Can I re-use a Geograph article elsewhere? How about copyright?

Photo Contributors

Can I use someone else's text in my description?
Can I ask for a fee if someone would like to use my images in a publication?

Photo Contributors :: Contributing

Can I submit a photo taken by someone else e.g. a friend?
Can I upload pictures I have inherited from a deceased relative?
I have an interesting old photograph/postcard, can I submit it to Geograph?
Can I upload an annotated version of a photograph to point out particular features?

Points and Moderation

Why have I gained an extra point without uploading a picture?

Finding way in the forum

How can I show a picture on the forum?

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