Geograph Knowledgebase / FAQ


What makes a good Geograph?
Why are you introducing Geographical Context?

Viewing Images

How do I view EXIF details for a photo on Geograph?
I've spotted a mistake. What should I do?

Reusing Geograph Content

I would be interested in using Geograph content, is that possible?
How do I print photographs directly from Geograph?

Photo Contributors

What is an ITT?
I entered the wrong date in the "date taken" field before submitting. Can I change it?
How do you cite on geograph co uk
How do I delete a photo sent in by error?
How do I get a list of my photos as a CSV?
I'm a competitive pub (trigpoint, peacock, door knocker...) collector. Is there a specific leaderboard for me?

Photo Contributors :: Contributing

Can I upload pictures I have inherited from a deceased relative?
One of my shots was supplemental, I think should be a geograph.
What are shared descriptions, and how can I add them?
I need to remove a picture I uploaded, is this possible?
How do I create links between my pics and between my pics and other pics
How do I put web links, URL's or links to geograph pictures into descriptions?
How do I choose tags for my images?
How can I take better photos?
My connection is slow. Can I upload while I'm away and fill in the details later?
How do different image editing applications compare?
Can I upload an annotated version of a photograph to point out particular features?

Points and Moderation

Do you accept multiple images per square?
Do you accept photos taken beneath a named square, e.g. mines, culverts bunkers etc?
Is it possible to get a point for a "supplemental"?
I've had a photo made a 'supplemental' - what does that mean?


What is Geograph's cookie policy?

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