Geograph Knowledgebase / FAQ
- How do photographs get into the Galleries? and how then do they get into the 'Highest Rated'?
- Anyone can suggest images for inclusion in the Showcase Gallery
just click the 'suggest images' link top right on any gallery page. Viewers can then 'rate' the images using the scale on the right.
You can also build your own collection of favourite images by using the 'thumbs up' on the photo page . - What are those little thumbs to the right of the images about?
- If you find a picture or its description particularly good or useful, you'll find links to heap praise on either in the thumbs pop-up menu which shows when hovering over the thumb symbol to the right of the main picture. Just click the appropriate link(s).
Contributors can see which of their pictures others found useful at
You can also 'thumb' your own images to keep track of your own favourites. This is counted separately from feedback by others.
While you're at it, you can use the thumb pop-up to throw the image in one or several 'image buckets' - categories which classify the type of image, e.g. whether it is a close-up or a panorama, or if it shows people or landscapes. By doing this, you can help Geograph to narrow down searches and add value for other site users.
Viewing Images
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