Geograph Knowledgebase / FAQ
- What is the Photo of the Week / Year competition?
- The Photo of the Week competition is an informal competition intended to showcase some of the best images submitted during the week.
The only criterion for an image to be considered is that it must have been taken during the qualifying week, which runs from Saturday to Friday, and submitted by midnight on the following Tuesday.
Some people like to make sure that their images are submitted within the qualifying period, and other like to delay their submissions to make sure they are not considered.
What constitutes 'best' is very much subjective, because the selections of both shortlist and winner are done by different contributors each week.
As with all subjective selections, there is often disagreement with some of the selections, but that usually manifests itself by people saying which image they would have picked if it had been up to them to do so.
It all takes place in the Discussion Forum "Photograph of the Year (date)".
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