Geograph Knowledgebase / FAQ

Viewing Images

Can I subscribe to a square and receive a notification when new photos are added to it?
Create a search that only find images in the given square, in reverse date submitted order using the search form link . This one is an example for SN5881: link . Copy the GeoRSS link at the bottom of the search results page. You can either read the feed in an RSS reader such as Google Reader link by adding the link as a new subscription, or you can use an RSS2email service such as Feedmyinbox link to receive updates via email.

There is also a link at the bottom of your profile page giving access to a special search showing images uploaded in the last 30 days in any square that you've submitted to.

Finally, you can subscribe to the grid square discussion of a square you're interested in by going to the grid square discussion page and ticking 'notify me of new posts'.

(Inspired by a question asked on the forum by tuppence and answered by barryhunter link .)

Reusing Geograph Content

Do you have an RSS feed?
RSS, or Really Simple Syndication, allows you to obtain an up-to-date listing of the latest Geograph submissions for integration into another website or RSS reader. For more information, try this Wikipedia article on RSS. link

We provide an GeoRSS (RSS1.0) feed at link which contains links to the latest 20 moderated images.

We have recently added RSS feeds to other parts of the site:
* You will find an RSS button at the bottom of search results, useful to keep updated on local images.
* Registered users can access an RSS feed of the latest topics in the Discussion Forum, and even subscribe to an individual topic, just look for the RSS button!
* the Grid Square Discussions even supports GeoRSS.
* Get an RSS feed of recently updated Articles.
* The newer Content section has an RSS feed.
* Find out about organized meets by following the RSS feed.

(They also accept the format parameter like the main feed.)

If you use the Firefox web browser, you should be able use our feeds as "live bookmarks" - simply click the orange button in the address bar (or in the status bar on older versions).

For more technical information, see link

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