Geograph Knowledgebase / FAQ
- How can I search just for images with larger sizes?
- Use the Browser search and add "larger:1024" (without quotes) to the end of your keyword query (works with 641, 800, 1024, 1600, 3000) - example!/q=bridge+larger%3A1024
... restricts the results to images that have resolution at least 1024 pixels on the longest dimension.
- Can I ask for a fee if someone would like to use my images in a publication?
- By uploading an image to Geograph, you agree to license it under a Creative Commons licence. This allows anybody to use your image for any purpose, including commercial use, as long as they give credit to you. They don't have to ask your permission before doing so.
The standard 640x640 pixel size is too low resolution for the vast majority of commercial uses, and it is not uncommon that Geograph-ers are approached by publishers or the media for a higher-resolution version for printing. If you agree to supply one, you can ask for a fee if you like. Basically, you're granting them a separate licence to use another (higher resolution) image. It is up to you to negotiate the licence terms and remuneration you want.
Of course if you choose to license a higher-resolution version under the CC licence alongside the standard size picture, then people are free to use that as well.
Many Geograph-ers are happy to give high-resolution versions for free for charity or community publications while charging a commercial fee from other organisations. Commercial providers of education (materials) seem to be a borderline case for many.
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