Geograph Knowledgebase / FAQ


How do I save a search to use again?
The Geograph search only retains you most recent 35 searches (unless you [save a search]). As you add more searches the oldest will drop off the list.
You can [save a search] by clicking the yellow hollow star to the left of it on the list - the star fills in and the search terms are then shown in bold. To [stop saving] an individual search, click the star again and the search will drop off the list like any other unsaved search.

Photo Contributors

Can I find out which of my images have been re-used on other websites?
Geograph itself hasn't got any data on re-use of images downloaded from here. It wouldn't even be possible to determine who downloaded it in most cases. Google image search link is quite good at finding copies of an image elsewhere on the web. Just drag and drop the image onto the search bar. But of course there's no guarantee that it'll find all other instances of each photo.

If you find an interesting website re-using your or other Geograph photos, consider posting it on the forum thread link

(from a support request sent to link )

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