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- What's the easiest way to find out if any of my photos have featured on "Today's photo" ? Close
- There is a link at the foot of your profile 'Uses: Use of my photos around the site'. The first tab on the page is to 'Featured Images' which will list any which have been used as 'Photograph of the Day' and show on which date they appeared on the home page.· More information on this topic... · contributed by Penny Mayes, Nov 2016 · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer!
- Where will I find the unique ID number which you allocate to each photograph? Close
- The photo ID number may be found at the end of the address (URL) of the photo page e.g.· contributed by Penny Mayes, Jun 2017 · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer!
- what is a thumbed photo? Close
- In the line of links just below the credit line on the photo page are one or two yellow 'thumbs up' icons. Just one, which says [👍🏻 Like] if there is no description. Or one saying [👍🏻 Like Image] and another with [👍🏻 Like Description]. You can also find the 'Like' thumbs on the 'Full listing + Links' format of the photo search under 'Thumb'.
Click on one or both to show your appreciation.
When this happens to one of your photos, it is reported on the section of your profile 'Use of my photos around the site'. - I don't understand Grid References - are there any sites to help me? Close
- Here's a quick link to the Ordnance Survey's beginner's guide to grid references:
Grid references locate places on the map. They consist of one (Ireland) or two (Great Britain) letters followed by an even number of digits. The letters define a (100x100)km^2 square (a 'myriad' in Geograph-speak) and are best looked up on an overview map. The numbers locate the position within that square. To find a location, split the block of numbers in two. The first block is the easting, i.e. the distance from the western edge of the myriad. The second is the northing - the distance from its southern edge.
Grid references always specify square areas, not points. The more digits there are, the smaller is the square referred to, and the higher is the precision of the grid reference. For each pair of digits, the precision increases by a factor of ten: SN58 defines a square of (10x10)km^2, 50km to the east and 80km to the north of the origin of myriad SN. SN5881 is a (1x1)km^2 square 58km east and 81km north of that origin. SN 58272 81324 is a (1x1)m^2 area. When stating a grid reference, the precision given should be in line with the accuracy of the position (how well do we actually know where we are?) and with the size of the object (a building doesn't fit on a 1m^2 footprint).
The system Geograph still uses in Ireland works in exactly the same way, although the Ordnance Surveys of Ireland and of Northern Ireland have recently introduced a different system for their maps. This article explains the differences.· More information on this topic... · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - Which squares have the most pictures on Geograph? Close
- The most thoroughly photographed grid squares are listed and linked on .
(This question was asked on the forum by Hugh Chevalier and answered by Oast House Archive.)· More information on this topic... · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - How do I: change my password Close
- If you know your current password, just login as normal view your Profile, and click the 'Edit your profile' link.
If you don't remember your password, use the 'Forgotten Password' facility, to change your password. You will need the original email address you signed up with.
If you don't remember or are unable to access the email you have setup on your account, then you will need to use the Contact Us link to get help from a volunteer Team Member.· contributed by Barry Hunter, Nov 2015 · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - How do I send private emails Close
- You can contact a contributor directly using the link on their profile or on any of their submitted photographs. If you want to contact them about a specific photograph, using the link on that image will help them know which photo you refer to.
Be aware, not all contributors are still active and may have changed their email address since registering with Geograph.· contributed by Penny Mayes, Dec 2015 · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - This site is AMAZING. Are there similar sites for the rest of the world? Close
- Yes, currently (2016) there are similar sites for Germany and the Channel Islands. See for links.· More information on this topic... · contributed by Penny Mayes, Feb 2016 · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer!
- How can I edit my profile? Close
- Follow the 'Edit my profile' link on your profile page
When you have made all desired changes, don't forget to save them by clicking the [Save Changes] button at the bottom of the page.· More information on this topic... · contributed by Penny Mayes, Apr 2019 · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - What the lettuce have hamsters to do with Geograph? Close
- The server that ran the Geograph website, was soon noted as being hamster powered, as in 'we need to put more hamsters on wheels' when things where running slow. Or a hamster fell out of its wheel when something broke. Later also used as a general term to refer to any part of the inner workings of the site.
(Exact quote from an article by Barry Hunter, see the link below)· More information on this topic... · contributed by Roger Jones, Jun 2011 · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - Something seems to be broken - where can I report bugs? Close
- Geograph runs on a pretty large database, and the load is spread over several servers. That means things do occasionally go wrong, and they aren't always consistent.
If a page doesn't display properly, try loading it again (by pressing F5) _once_. If that doesn't work, navigate away from the page, clear your cache (under privacy settings in most browsers) and try again. Or just wait a while, most of the time things get cleared up automatically given time.
If you think something is permanently wrong, post a bug report on the forum . Remember to say which page is affected (best paste in its address), which browser and version, and which operating system and version you use.
If something is wrong about the _content_ of a page (description text, photo location etc.), use the 'suggest an update' link under the main picture to contact the contributor and moderators.· More information on this topic... · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - I have changed my email address. Can I change the existing email address or do I have to reregister? Close
- Just log into Geograph using your old email address or your nickname, then go to your profile and change your email address in the appropriate box and save the change. You'll get a welcome message sent to the new address which contains a link that you need to click to activate the new address.
NOTE: If you are a member of Geograph Project Ltd you will also need to update your email address on the company minisite (link is on your edit profile page).· More information on this topic... · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - I disagree with the location or title of an image - what can I do? Close
- Our "Change Suggestions" allow any registered user to suggest a change of grid reference, title/comment or other information - simply view the full size image and click the "Suggest an update to this image" link.· More information on this topic... · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - Where is the link on a grid square browse page to see a centisquare map? Close
- The link for the centisquare map for the square is labelled "See geographical distribution of pictures". There is also a link to a centisquare coverage map (with other options) for a wider area (10x10km) labelled "Open Interactive OS Map Overlay" below the map extract.· contributed by Penny Mayes, Jun 2017 · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer!
- How do photographs get into the Galleries? and how then do they get into the 'Highest Rated'? Close
- Anyone can suggest images for inclusion in the Showcase Gallery just click the 'suggest images' link top right on any gallery page. Viewers can then 'rate' the images using the scale on the right.
You can also build your own collection of favourite images by using the 'thumbs up' on the photo page .· More information on this topic... · contributed by Penny Mayes, Aug 2017 · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - What are those little thumbs to the right of the images about? Close
- If you find a picture or its description particularly good or useful, you'll find links to heap praise on either in the thumbs pop-up menu which shows when hovering over the thumb symbol to the right of the main picture. Just click the appropriate link(s).
Contributors can see which of their pictures others found useful at .
You can also 'thumb' your own images to keep track of your own favourites. This is counted separately from feedback by others.
While you're at it, you can use the thumb pop-up to throw the image in one or several 'image buckets' - categories which classify the type of image, e.g. whether it is a close-up or a panorama, or if it shows people or landscapes. By doing this, you can help Geograph to narrow down searches and add value for other site users.· Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - Where do I find 'this day in the past' feature? Close
- The 'This day in past years' index page is here
There is a link to it from the Explore page which appears in the menu in the left side-bar.· contributed by Penny Mayes, Aug 2016 · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - Who decides which photos go in the "Gallery" section and on what basis ? Close
- Anyone can suggest images for inclusion in the Gallery. See link top right on any Gallery page. The gallery is also fed from 'thumbs up' clicks and from forum threads.
Please take the time to vote on images.· More information on this topic... · contributed by Penny Mayes, Oct 2016 · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - how do I view photos of the day Close
- Photographs previously published on the Home page may be found here Click on the 'view previous >' link just above the image.· contributed by Penny Mayes, Jan 2022 · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer!
- Can I see the distribution of pictures within a gridsquare? Close
- When you are at the main page for a square, you can click on the link named "See geographical distribution of pictures". This will enable you to see how many pictures are in each "Centisquare".
Each grid square has a hundred Centisquares which have an area of 100m X 100m.· More information on this topic... · contributed by Roger Jones, Jun 2011 · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer!The quickest way is with our interactive Coverage Maps, click 'Maps' in the sidebar. Can zoom in and will show coverage - including at centisquare (100m square) scale (use the toggle under the map).
Or use the new version: which will change the scale automatically.
There are a number of other coverage maps will find linked around the site, which work slightly differently.
If just want a quick grid view, can use the "See geographical distribution of pictures" on gridsquare pages that provide a non map based view. - Why can I only get to page 20 of search results? Close
- For performance reasons our search engine can only access the first 1000 results of a given search. This is in fact just like Google and other major engines.
If you are trying to view more images, there is a few techniques to use. The best one is to try to narrow your search results. Maybe adding a another keyword. Or even specifing a date range - for example limiting to only recent images.
If you order the results in date submitted (decending or ascending) order, you may be offered a link on the last page to create a new search from that approximate point forward (it does this by adding/changing the date critieria of the search) - in this way you can get though by using a number of seperate searches.· contributed by Barry Hunter, Sep 2011 · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - I've spotted a mistake. What should I do? Close
- [PERSONAL OPINION OF THE AUTHOR] Geograph takes pride in taking care about accuracy of location and information content. We like to think that this sets us apart from many other picture sites on the internet.
Whether it is one of your own pictures or someone else's, if you think something's wrong, please use the 'change image details' or 'suggest update' link under the main picture. This gives you access to a form where you can amend any of the details (subject and camera position, view direction, title, description etc). After making your changes, leave a short explanation in the box at the end of the form.
Changes to your own images will update immediately. The only exception are changes to the subject grid square, which are moderated; this will typically take a day or so.
If you suggest changes to someone else's pictures, they will be alerted and have an opportunity to reply. Ideally, you should work with the original contributor to come to a consensus. Moderators will try to assist with that. Generally, accuracy is taken very seriously, but if additional information is presented, it is the photo contributor's prerogative to decide whether to accept it.
When making a suggestion, please bear in mind that you are communicating with the original author, not primarily with Geograph. Explain your changes in a friendly and civil manner, and supply sources to verify your point. Avoid making many suggestions to the same contributor at the same time.
Suggestions which are mainly concerned with geograph/supplemental* classification or seek to move positions by small amounts within the stated precision (often 100m) are regarded as a waste of time by many and can cause aggravation out of proportion with their usefulness.
* (From 11 May 2016 the Supplemental Classification is replaced by Image Type Tags:
see ).· More information on this topic... · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - Can I subscribe to a square and receive a notification when new photos are added to it? Close
- Create a search that only find images in the given square, in reverse date submitted order using the search form . This one is an example for SN5881: . Copy the GeoRSS link at the bottom of the search results page. You can either read the feed in an RSS reader such as Google Reader by adding the link as a new subscription, or you can use an RSS2email service such as Feedmyinbox to receive updates via email.
There is also a link at the bottom of your profile page giving access to a special search showing images uploaded in the last 30 days in any square that you've submitted to.
Finally, you can subscribe to the grid square discussion of a square you're interested in by going to the grid square discussion page and ticking 'notify me of new posts'.
(Inspired by a question asked on the forum by tuppence and answered by barryhunter .)· More information on this topic... · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - Are images on Geograph automatically uploaded to Google Earth as well? Close
- No, Google Earth sources its images from Google's own Streetview camera vehicles and from its public photography site, Panoramio. However, there is a green 'kml' button in the footer of every image page which allows you to see the particular image in Google Earth. Similarly, you can download the results of every search as a kml file for display in Google Earth (link near the bottom of the search results page). For an overview of all Geograph kml feeds, see .
On the other hand, Geograph images are automatically transferred to Wikimedia, and many are already being used in Wikipedia pages in many languages.· More information on this topic... · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - Why can select only one image per group in search? Close
- (this is referring the 'at most one image from each [...]' option in the 'Advanced Search' function)
The software that drives our search can only at this time return one image from a particular 'group', such as grid square or month. So at this time, can't select multiple images per group.
Also note there is no control over which image is selected, at the moment it's pretty much chosen at random.
Can use the 'Image Browser' (just called 'Browser' in the links on the side) - in the 'Grouped' Mode, can now select multiple images per group. E.g. can get it to show say 4 images per square.
That has much more controls for configuring the sampling.
· contributed by Barry Hunter, Nov 2020 · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - Do you have an RSS feed? Close
- RSS, or Really Simple Syndication, allows you to obtain an up-to-date listing of the latest Geograph submissions for integration into another website or RSS reader. For more information, try this Wikipedia article on RSS.
We provide an GeoRSS (RSS1.0) feed at which contains links to the latest 20 moderated images.
We have recently added RSS feeds to other parts of the site:
* You will find an RSS button at the bottom of search results, useful to keep updated on local images.
* Registered users can access an RSS feed of the latest topics in the Discussion Forum, and even subscribe to an individual topic, just look for the RSS button!
* the Grid Square Discussions even supports GeoRSS.
* Get an RSS feed of recently updated Articles.
* The newer Content section has an RSS feed.
* Find out about organized meets by following the RSS feed.
(They also accept the format parameter like the main feed.)
If you use the Firefox web browser, you should be able use our feeds as "live bookmarks" - simply click the orange button in the address bar (or in the status bar on older versions).
For more technical information, see· Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - I would be interested in using Geograph content, is that possible? Close
- All images are licensed for re-use under a Creative Commons Licence, see licence details by viewing a full size image. Also look for the "Find out how to re-use this image?" link under each image on the main photo page, which outlines easy ways to re-use the image.
Are you a developer?
... maybe looking for ways to access images outside the website?
and more info about our API:
Please get in contact if you have an idea for re-using images, beyond what's available via the feeds above. In all likelihood we can provide a feed to suit your requirements.
- I'm an artist and would like to use a scene from a geograph in a painting. Is that acceptable? Close
- It depends on how closely your painting resembles the photograph. I can't see any problem with using the information gleaned from any Geograph picture to inspire your painting. On the other hand, if you were to trace the photo and paint it over, you should credit the photographer for their contribution.
If you are in any doubt, just email the contributor (there's a link under the main picture) and ask them; I'm sure most will answer in the same way. You could offer to take a photo of your finished painting and send it to them as a thank you - many would appreciate that.· Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - Can I use photos in publication? Close
- All photos are Creative Commons (CC) licensed. That means you can use them for free for any purpose as long as you credit the photographer individually and state the fact that the image is CC-licensed. You can find suggested wordings for both print and electronic publications if you click 'reuse this picture' under the photo description on each photo page.
If you need a higher-resolution version, there may be a CC-licensed version available by clicking the 'more sizes' link (if present) to the top right of the main photo. Alternatively, you can contact the photographer through their profile page (click their name on the photo page to get there) and ask if they are willing to give or sell you a copy under a separate licence.· More information on this topic... · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - How do I find which squares need photographing? Close
- If you are looking for squares to obtain a point, try the coverage maps, and look for green squares; also accessible from that page are various printable checksheets for easy reference in print form. More technical users might enjoy GPX, or Memory Map downloads.
Many of the squares have been captured but only have a few photos; check out the depth map, from which you can find under-represented squares. In the same vein we have a number of maps to show the distribution of photos within a square, usually on a centisquare grid, which divides a grid square into 100 squares, each 100m by 100m.
We have also recently introduced a new map, "Recent Only" this shows recent photos. Help us keep the coverage current by photographing squares without any recent photos (orange or green).
Also look out for Red pin icons around the site, click them to take you to the links page for the location. From that page you can access textual lists of squares in need of photos (as well as direct links to many of the maps on the site).)· Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - I have licensed a larger size than I intended, what should I do? Close
- Use the 'Upload a larger size' link on the photo (or edit) page and submit the size you want (or select the preferred option on the page). This will overwrite the original selection although there may be a brief period when the originally selected size will be available due to caching and the wait before approval.
Be aware that if the very large version has been on the site for a while it may already have been downloaded from the site as a CC licensed image.
Note: if you did not want to license a larger size at all you will need to go through the same process but using an image marginally larger than 640 pixels wide (641 is enough) in order to remove the larger size options.· More information on this topic... · contributed by Penny Mayes, Jun 2017 · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - Where can I see how many points I have? Close
- Go to your profile page (link top right on every page). All the various types of points you have are displayed under 'My Statistics'.· More information on this topic... · contributed by Penny Mayes, Aug 2017 · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer!
- Can I replace a year old photo with an identical one of better quality? Close
- It is not possible to replace the image on the photo page but you can upload a larger size version of the same image with different/better processing and note the fact it exists in your description.
We are reluctant to remove images which have been on the site for a while (no telling where they have been linked from) so this is the preferred method of adding a better quality version.· More information on this topic... · contributed by Penny Mayes, Jan 2018 · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - I entered the wrong date in the "date taken" field before submitting. Can I change it? Close
- Yes, as with any of the information you added when submitting, this can be edited using the 'Change image details' form which is linked to just below the photo on its main page.· contributed by Penny Mayes, Feb 2018 · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer!
- How do I find the use if my photos ,thumbed ,etc Close
- Click the link 'Use of my photos around the site' near the foot of your profile page.
Follow the link at the top of the page you arrive at to get notification emails of new additions in selected areas.· More information on this topic... · contributed by Penny Mayes, Jun 2021 · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - How do you cite on geograph co uk Close
- Adding a link to the source of information, or showing details of an off-line publication within your description or article are the usual ways to add a citation.· contributed by Penny Mayes, Sep 2023 · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer!
- Does Geograph accept interior photographs? Close
- Interior shots are not the main purpose of the site, but we do include them, ideally cross-linked to an exterior shot for context. This generally only applies to publicly accessible places and to sites of a particular interest. Interior shots are always supplemental* images, but they can add valuable information and are generally welcome.
*(From 11 May 2016 the Supplemental Classification is replaced by Image Type Tags:
see ).· More information on this topic... · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - Where can I find the reference number of a photo? Close
- All submitted images have a unique identity number. It forms the last part of the URL (web address) of the main photo page.
example: is the first 'live' image on the site and has the ID number 4 (we don't use leading zeroes) while was the four millionth to go 'live' on the site (we do get a few rejects or failures) and has the ID number 4018397.· contributed by Penny Mayes, Nov 2015 · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - How long does a photograph stay pending? Close
- This will depend upon how many moderators are active and the rate at which images are being submitted. It can vary between a few minutes and a couple of days.
Occasionally technical problems can lead to the suspension of moderation for brief periods. This may be announced in the forum.
You can view your recent uploads, moderated or not, via your Recent uploads page (link in the side bar) or from links on your profile page (link top right of most pages).· contributed by Penny Mayes, Nov 2015 · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - Can I change my name to a pseudonym on a submission ? Close
- You can submit all your photos under a pseudonym by changing the name on your Profile (link top write on most pages). Note that by doing this, the name will be changed on all photos you have previously submitted from the account. These may already have been used elsewhere, crediting the name originally shown.
You can change the credit on an individual image, for instance if you asked someone else to take it for you, but the name on your profile will still be shown on the photo page and the photographer name will still link back to your profile.
You can open another account under a pseudonym but this will need to be done from a different email address and you will have to take care which account you are signed in with before submitting, making changes or posting in the forums.· More information on this topic... · contributed by Penny Mayes, Nov 2015 · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - I have just joined the site and wondered if I could upload photos with link to my own website on them Close
- You can certainly link to any relevant website in the description of your images. However, if the description and link look too much like advertising may be removed or modified by a moderator.· contributed by Penny Mayes, Feb 2016 · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer!
- How do I add a shared description to a submited photo? Close
- Please see the article
The easiest place from which to add shared descriptions to a few recently submitted images (or check if you have attached it to all you intended) is your Recent Uploads page (link in side bar).
The Shared Descriptions tab below the description box shows how many shared descriptions are attached to an image. Click it to check which they are, create a new shared description or attach one already created.
There is a bulk attach tool available to facilitate the adding of a shared description to up to 50 images at a time (see article).
Note you can only add shared descriptions to your own images but are free to contact other contributors to alert them to the existence of a shared description relevant to their photo which they may wish to add.· More information on this topic... · contributed by Penny Mayes, Nov 2015 · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - Can I use someone else's text in my description? Close
- It's usually best to paraphrase information from other sources and then add a reference (or hyperlink) to those sources. If you want to quote something verbatim, you need to ask the author for permission to use it and to re-licence it under the Creative Commons licence - which essentially means they not only allow you but the whole world to use their text, provided credit is given. If you have their permission to re-use their text, you should still acknowledge that it's theirs.
It doesn't matter if the text you wish to quote is from a commercial printed work, a website or just a handwritten note the original author wrote just for your information.
(Inspired by a question asked by Jon2 and answered by barryhunter on the forum .)· More information on this topic... · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - How do I get a list of my photos as a CSV? Close
- On the bottom of your profile page, look for "Download: CSV , XML for Excel 2003 of all images".
This has links to download as Comma Separate Values (CSV) or Excel XML format.
These can be opened in spreadsheet software, eg LibreOffice or Micrsoft Excel.
The URL for these downloads looks like this:
For CSV:
For Excel:
The parameters specify what is included. The contributor is u=XXXX, where XXXX is the user ID. If you use a link from your own profile, it will include your own ID.
Other options:
&supp=1 - include photos classed as supplemental
&taken=1 - include taken date
&submitted=1 - include submitted date
&hits=1 - include hit count
&tags=1 - include tags, in a list separated by question marks
&desc=1 - include description
&class=1 - include classification (geograph or supplemental)
&level=1 - include geograph points, eg 1st, 2nd, 3rd
&ll=1 - include latitude and longitude (in separate columns)
&en=1 - include numerical grid reference, in easting and northing, plus figures for precision
&ppos=1 - include photographer position, easting and northing
For more details, see the API help:· contributed by Craig Wallace, Sep 2013 · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - I'm a competitive pub (trigpoint, peacock, door knocker...) collector. Is there a specific leaderboard for me? Close
- The statistics section offers limitless opportunities to generate leaderboards that suit every possible feti^H^H^H^Hspecial interest. You can generate one by filling in this form - best of all, you can refine the criteria until it is just specific enough, but no more! The 'keywords' box understands the same syntax as the general site search (for details see the link next to the box).
Copy the URL (address bar) after filling in the form and paste it into your profile ('about yourself' box in ), so anyone can see how well you're doing in your speciality.
For example, a pubs etc. leaderboard could be generated like this:
(inspired by a question asked by galgo23 and answered by barryhunter on the forum )· More information on this topic... · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - I made a mistake on my submission, how do I change it? Close
- In the grey bar near the centre of the photo page, is a link "Suggest a change to this image" - click that and fill out the form.· Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer!
- how do I link two photos Close
- There are three simple ways to link two (or more) photos.
To produce a link which simply shows as Link, add the full URL of the photo to be linked to in the description eg
"See for a wider view."
To produce a link which shows the grid square and title, enclose the photo ID number (found at the end of the photo page URL) in double square brackets [[5966333]] so the link (in this example) will show as "See SO1189 : The Berwyns under snow for a wider view."
Either way it is a good idea to describe the other photo a bit, rather than just give the link.
For linking several photos a shared description - which may only be a title - can work well. Create your shared description in the Shared Description tab and then add it to each of the relevant images. This will produce an automatic link "see other photos of [title of shared description]"
For recent uploads such linkings are most easily done using the Recent Uploads page where the ID numbers are provided below the thumbnails and you won't need to visit individual edit pages to add the links.· More information on this topic... · contributed by Penny Mayes, Jul 2019 · Provide an alternative answer! - I have licensed an image larger than I intended, can I remove it? Close
- The simplest method is to overwrite the large version with a smaller one.
This only needs to be one pixel larger than the displayed image (641 pixels on longest side) but can be whatever size you are comfortable to licence for reuse.
Just click on the link [Upload another large version] and follow the steps on the page.
This process works best on unmoderated images as these will not yet have been picked up by others (wikimedia, British library, site visitors etc). We cannot guarantee that images overwritten after moderation will not have been copied elsewhere before being replaced.· contributed by Penny Mayes, Feb 2012 · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - I have an interesting old photograph/postcard, can I submit it to Geograph? Close
- If you have taken the picture yourself, or you have inherited it from a deceased relative and are certain of the copyright history, the age of the photograph is of no consequence.
With regard to old postcards or photographs without provenance, although the photo may well be out of copyright it is incompatible with the Creative Commons share alike licence and cannot be accepted on Geograph.
If you have taken a current view of the same place and would like to link it to the old photograph you can submit the recent shot here and upload the old photo to the media repository or a photo-sharing site like Flickr and link to it there in your description.· More information on this topic... · contributed by Penny Mayes, Aug 2011 · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - I need to remove a picture I uploaded, is this possible? Close
- Once you have pressed the "I agree" button your picture is in the system and subject to the Creative Commons Licence.
If the picture has not yet been moderated, you can requested for the image to be rejected, and you will be asked to give a reason. To "self moderate" in this way you click on the "Change Image Details" link under the picture: you should see an icon for "reject".
Once the picture has been moderated and accepted you will probably need to give a very good reason for the image to be removed from display. Images may be removed from display if they were taken illegally, or, for example if a landowner objects to a picture taken from a place without public access. This process of removing from display is sometimes referred to as "vaulting" as a copy of the picture remains in the "vault": a file storage area.
See also "I have licensed an image larger than I intended, can I remove it?"· More information on this topic... · contributed by Roger Jones, Oct 2011 · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - How do I create links between my pics and between my pics and other pics Close
- In your description you can create a link to another picture on geograph in 2 ways:
1) By entering the ID surrounded by 2 or 3 square brackets e.g. [[12345]] This will display as a link to (e.g.) " NN2544 : Coire Toaig"
An easy way of getting ID's for your recent photo's is to click on "recent uploads", where the id's are listed in square brackets for you to copy. This can be helpful when creating links before pics are moderated.
2) You can enter the full URL of a pic e.g. and that will display as "link". Note that the set of numbers at the end of the url is the photo ID.
For more detail, and for editing pics that have already been moderated, we suggest taking a look at Rudi Winter's tutorial (click on "More information on this topic... " below)· More information on this topic... · contributed by Stephen Richards, Feb 2012 · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - How do I put web links, URL's or links to geograph pictures into descriptions? Close
- You can put links (URL or URI) to web pages and geograph photos into your description, and this will display with the text "link" in the description. Always leave a space after the link to avoid punctuation marks being included in the link. A link to any web resource will work, including a link to a photo on geograph such as Note that the set of numbers at the end of the url is the photo ID.
You can also link directly to a pic on geograph by entering the ID surrounded by 2 or 3 square brackets e.g. [[12345]] This will display as a link to (e.g.) " NN2544 : Coire Toaig".
An easy way of getting ID's for your recent photo's is to click on "recent uploads", where the id's are listed in square brackets for you to copy. This can be helpful when creating links before pics are moderated.
For more detail, and for editing pics that have already been moderated, we suggest taking a look at Rudi Winter's tutorial (click on "More information on this topic... " below)· More information on this topic... · contributed by Roger Jones, Dec 2013 · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - Is there a way to enter latitude and longitude directly when submitting? Close
- On submit v1, select "Locate on Map" tab
On submit v2, "Find square on map" tool
Enter the coordinates into the box under the map. Separated by a comma, and prefixed by loc, eg:
Click the button at above the map to then continue.
(Much of the text based on an answer given by Barry Hunter in the link below)· More information on this topic... · contributed by Roger Jones, Jun 2011 · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - Can I upload an annotated version of a photograph to point out particular features? Close
- The main picture on Geograph should be free from annotations because different people may want to use it in different contexts. However, annotated pictures demonstrating features such as geological or geographical details are very welcome. Please upload annotated versions to Geograph's media repository and link them from the description of the original image uploaded to Geograph's main archive. This article shows how to make such links.
The media repository can also be used for out-of-copyright images such as old postcards to compare with the same scene in a current geograph, or for user-generated maps of the area.
You can also annotate other people's images and link them as external images from an article you're writing. To get started with article writing, have a look at this overview: .· More information on this topic... · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - How do I start a new discussion? Close
- First select the appropriate forum, either from the forum list page or by selecting the icon from the 'recent discussions' page (either at the top or beside an existing discussion thread).
Once on the correct forum, scroll to the foot of the page and in the box labelled 'Topic title' just below 'New topic' type your title.
In the large text box below 'Message' compose your post - help on formatting is available by clicking the link [Help - How to format posts including inserting images and links] (opens in a new tab).· More information on this topic... · contributed by Penny Mayes, Mar 2017 · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - How do I hyperlink a word or words in a Geograph forum to a URL address. Close
- See the help on formatting forum posts, there is a link to the right above the text box.
[url=]Some text[/url] shows as Some text
The shortcut for [url=][/url] is the globe with chain icon immediately above the box - your link goes after the = your text goes between the ][· More information on this topic... · contributed by Penny Mayes, Jan 2018 · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer!See the help on formatting forum posts, there is a link to the right above the text box.
[url=]Some text[/url] shows as Some text
The shortcut for [url=][/url] is the globe with chain icon immediately above the box - your link goes after the = your text goes between the ][· More information on this topic... · contributed by Penny Mayes, Jan 2018 · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - I've got a picture of an insect (plant, pillbox, locomotive...). Can you help identify it for me? Close
- There are a number of forum threads where knowledgeable Geograph members help out identifying a variety of things. Just upload your picture (with the usual geographical information) and post it on the appropriate thread, then update your description when you get a satisfactory answer.
- insects:
- fish:
- birds:
- deer:
- livestock breeds:
- trees:
- orchids:
- crops:
- plants in general:
- fungi:
- geological curiosities:
- clouds:
- ships:
- phoneboxes:
- pillboxes:
- tractors:
- farm machinery:
- locomotives:
- railway paraphernalia:
- mystery objects:
If none of these fits your identification problem, try searching the forum (entry box top right on any forum page) or start a new thread, ideally using the word 'identification' in the title. And please edit this answer and include a link to it!· More information on this topic... · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - Can I suggest a photo for the front page of Geograph? Close
- Members of Geograph can (if you aren't yet, sign up by clicking the 'register link' top right on any page). Go to the forum ('Discussions' in the sidebar menu) and add any pictures you'd like to see in all their glory on the front page for one day only to this thread: . They will then be added to the list from which the daily picture is picked. If you'd like to suggest a picture for a specific day, please say so - there's no guarantee though, as the day may already have a picture assigned to it. You can post a small selection of your own pictures, but it is nice to highlight other peoples efforts as well where you come across them.
There is one technical limitation to bear in mind: The front page picture has to fit in a landscape frame due to the page layout. If it isn't landscape format, it'll be cropped and the central section used. Sometimes that can work, but generally it's best to pick landscape formats in the first place.· More information on this topic... · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer! - How can I show a picture on the forum? Close
- If you want to show a thumbnail of a picture from the Geograph collection, just copy and paste its URL (web address) between a pair of square brackets: [] or just its id number between a pair of triple square brackets: [[[1234567]]].
You can't generally show pictures from other websites, but you can link them so people can click the link to view the picture elsewhere by using this syntax: [url=]anchor text[/url] where 'anchor text' stands for the text people click to go to the picture.
If you've got a picture that adds value to the point you're making but it's not suitable to upload it to the Geograph collection, you can upload it to the Geograph media server . Once uploaded you can show it in a forum thread using the [img][/img] syntax. Use the 'direct link' URL from the upload page for this. This works for png, gif and jpeg formats. If the image is wider than 640px, it'll automatically be shrunk to fit.
This technique is best used for supporting material such as out-of-copyright photos that you can't license under the Creative Commons licence, user-generated maps or graphs showing statistics etc. It should not be used to create signatures, smileys or avatars or other recurrent images, which aren't used on the Geograph forums.· More information on this topic... · Edit this answer (Open for editing by anyone) · Provide an alternative answer!
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the content of this page is licensed under a Creative Commons Licence.