Geograph Knowledgebase / FAQ
- I have an interesting old photograph/postcard, can I submit it to Geograph?
- If you have taken the picture yourself, or you have inherited it from a deceased relative and are certain of the copyright history, the age of the photograph is of no consequence.
With regard to old postcards or photographs without provenance, although the photo may well be out of copyright it is incompatible with the Creative Commons share alike licence and cannot be accepted on Geograph.
If you have taken a current view of the same place and would like to link it to the old photograph you can submit the recent shot here and upload the old photo to the media repository a photo-sharing site like Flickr and link to it there in your description.
- Can I upload an annotated version of a photograph to point out particular features?
- The main picture on Geograph should be free from annotations because different people may want to use it in different contexts. However, annotated pictures demonstrating features such as geological or geographical details are very welcome. Please upload annotated versions to Geograph's media repository
and link them from the description of the original image uploaded to Geograph's main archive. This article
shows how to make such links.
The media repository can also be used for out-of-copyright images such as old postcards to compare with the same scene in a current geograph, or for user-generated maps of the area.
You can also annotate other people's images and link them as external images from an article you're writing. To get started with article writing, have a look at this overview:
Photo Contributors :: Contributing
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