Geograph Knowledgebase / FAQ
- Are images on Geograph automatically uploaded to Google Earth as well?
- No, Google Earth sources its images from Google's own Streetview camera vehicles and from its public photography site, Panoramio. However, there is a green 'kml' button in the footer of every image page which allows you to see the particular image in Google Earth. Similarly, you can download the results of every search as a kml file for display in Google Earth (link near the bottom of the search results page). For an overview of all Geograph kml feeds, see
On the other hand, Geograph images are automatically transferred to Wikimedia, and many are already being used in Wikipedia pages in many languages. - I have licensed an image larger than I intended, can I remove it?
- The simplest method is to overwrite the large version with a smaller one.
This only needs to be one pixel larger than the displayed image (641 pixels on longest side) but can be whatever size you are comfortable to licence for reuse.
Just click on the link [Upload another large version] and follow the steps on the page.
This process works best on unmoderated images as these will not yet have been picked up by others (wikimedia, British library, site visitors etc). We cannot guarantee that images overwritten after moderation will not have been copied elsewhere before being replaced.
Viewing Images
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