Perdita the Geograph hamster
Hi, my name is Perdita the Geograph hamster. Welcome to our

games section

Mark It

Earn hamster tokens by locating photos on the map! A single round consists of playing 10 images.

1 2 3 4 5
<-- Easy | Harder -->

or view the scoreboard

Place Memory

Earn hamster tokens by locating the grid Square of a photo. A single round consists of playing 10 images.

1 :: Within 3km of    

2 :: Within 10km of
3 :: Anywhere near one of my regular haunts
4 :: Anywhere near a photo I've submitted
(level 3 and 4 are only available to contributors)
5 :: Anywhere in Great Britain

or view the scoreboard

Just for fun, some overview statistics.

We also have a new game in development: Mystery Places - where you try to see how many places from around the British Isles you can locate on a national map. It's not fully complete yet, there is no scoreboard (although it does track your own score), but its mostly playable as is.
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