Geograph Games - Statistics



We currently have 1,722 images playable in the pool, with more being added all the time, a total of 13,438 ratings have been recorded by 178 volunteers. A further 1,393 images have been classified as not suitable for game play.


28,498 rounds have been played by 10,291 people (1,914 users and 8,377 visitors). During play a total of 287,632 plays has been recorded, (a further 358,400 plays from unsaved rounds), resulting in 1,097,274 tokens being awarded (giving overall average of 3.81 tokens per play).

In the last 7 days...

10 rounds have been played by 5 people (4 users and 1 visitors). During play a total of 100 plays has been recorded, resulting in 406 tokens being awarded (giving overall average of 4.06 tokens per play).

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