Geograph Maps
Geograph hosts a variety of mapping applications to view photos on map.A. Coverage Map V4 - Geograph Photos and Square Coverage
Coverage Map V4 is our most modern and advanced map. Plots coverage by square, as well as offering layers plotting individual photos, by subject and/or viewpoint location. Recommended map to use! If a Geograph contributor, can easily personalize to just show your own coverage/photos.Note, there is also a slightly simplified version for use on small screen mobile devices, open on device and click the button bottom left.
B. Coverage Map V3 - Interactive Coverage Maps - WITHDRAWN

C. Coverage Map V2 - Original Zoomable Maps
The original Zoomable Maps are also still available. Note, only works for Great Britain, not Ireland.D. Coverage Map V1 - Original Coverage Maps
The original clickable Coverage Maps are also still available.E. Map in Photo Browser
The Geograph Photo Browser application includes a Interactive Map feature - allows easy filtering of results. Based on same mapping function as V4 above.F. PhotoMap
New rendered map showing an interactive selection of Geograph Images for quick and easy browsing. (Note the PhotoMap is also available as layer in V4 above)For use on Mobile devices
G. Mobile Coverage Map - based on V4 above, but optimized for small screen. Includes automatic Geolocation to current location.H. Geograph Radar - Get a mini-checksheet for your current location (optionally personalized) - although doesnt include maps
I. Old Mobile Coverage Map - basic map showing nearby photos. LONG-Press on the map, to view nearby images.
Tip: Use for quick access.
· If in a school, and have access to Digimap for Schools, it includes a Geograph Photos layer for quickly browsing our photos.
There is also a help page Mapping on Geograph explaining a bit more about how some of these maps work.