Text Search Options
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By default the Geograph image search just searches for the exact text you enter anywhere in the title, matching part words (does not separate into keywords).
Use any of the following features to refine your search:
^Whole word matching
Enter a word prefixed by caret: ^ to find images with that exact word in the title, example:
^bridgewould not match against Bridgewater.
Searching the title, description and category+
End your search word with a plus: + to search all three fields, example:
bridge+would match images with bridge in the title, in the comments, or in the 'Road Bridge' category (for example).
Advanced boolean searches
Can use the commands AND, OR, NOT(or -) (case is important, brackets optional), probably easiest to demonstrate with a few examples:
- bridge AND river
- river OR stream
- road AND NOT bridge or road -bridge
- road OR motorway OR carriageway
- NOT bridge or -bridge
- ^train AND ^bridge+
- road OR motorway+
- road+ AND (a OR motorway+) : brackets optional
- (river AND crossing) OR bridge : brackets required
- wood -^trees+ : the - goes before the ^
* each term can be combined with either or both ^ and + charactors for very flexible searching!
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