J5950 : The Portaferry Hotel, Portaferry
taken 16 years ago, near to Portaferry, Co Down, Northern Ireland
This is 1 of 2 images, with title The Portaferry Hotel, Portaferry in this square

The Portaferry Hotel, Portaferry
The date of building is unknown but might be early 19th century although not then used as a hotel.
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- Grid Square
- J5950, 351 images (more nearby
- Photographer
- Albert Bridge (find more nearby)
- Date Taken
- Monday, 11 May, 2009 (more nearby)
- Submitted
- Tuesday, 12 May, 2009
- Category
- Accommodation > Hotel (more nearby)
- Subject Location
J 593 507 [100m precision]
WGS84: 54:22.8435N 5:32.8981W - Camera Location
J 592 507
- View Direction
- EAST (about 90 degrees)
Image classification(about):
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