J4893 : WWII relics, Whitehead (1)

taken 15 years ago, near to Whitehead, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland

WWII relics, Whitehead (1)
WWII relics, Whitehead (1)
The Blackhead lighthouse J4893 : Blackhead Lighthouse, Belfast Lough has a view stretching from the Mull of Kintyre to the Galloway coast. These two buildings are in a field immediately north west of the lighthouse and would have had an equally commanding view. They were part of the Chain Home Low Radio Station. "Chain Home Low" was a radar system operated during the Second World War and used as an early warning indicator of any approaching enemy aircraft. Further information available here LinkExternal link (Archive LinkExternal link )

A visitor to the site has supplied some more information about the buildings: “I've been in the building - it was a lookout built during WWII. It was once without access and has been boarded up by the owner . . . . It had electricity and the water was pumped from a covered well at the base of the hill on the sea side. The pump was run by a stationary bicycle”.
See also J4893 : WWII relics, Whitehead (2).
The Blackhead Path, Whitehead

A path running from The Banks at Whitehead, along the shore, to the Blackhead Lighthouse (with a parallel path running inland along the cliff and higher ground). It is possible to walk back to Whitehead from the lighthouse, on a surfaced path, via Muldersleigh Hill, McCrea’s Brae and the Islandmagee Road. Steep in places and not suitable for wheelchairs.

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J4893, 99 images   (more nearby search)
Date Taken
Tuesday, 9 March, 2010   (more nearby)
Tuesday, 9 March, 2010
Geographical Context
Defence, Military  Derelict, Disused 
Wartime relics   (more nearby)
Subject Location
Irish: geotagged! J 487 935 [100m precision]
WGS84: 54:46.0702N 5:41.4176W
Camera Location
Irish: geotagged! J 487 934
View Direction
NORTH (about 0 degrees)
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Other Tags
Whitehead  Buildings (Vacant)  World War II Relic 

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