J3474 : Zapcats, Belfast (4 of 6)

taken 15 years ago, near to Belfast, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland

Zapcats, Belfast (4 of 6)
Zapcats, Belfast (4 of 6)
Partly airborne, on a lap, after the sharp turn to port, downstream of the railway bridge.
Zapcats, Belfast 2010

The event saw 18 Zapcat teams, representing England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, in rounds three and four of the Zapcat Racing National Championship, as well as the first two rounds of the newly created Zapcat Racing City Championship.

Zapcats are four metre long catamarans, developed from life saving “surf rescue craft”, with 50 horsepower outboards engines on the back. They are crewed by a pilot and a co-pilot, with the co-pilot`s job is to balance and trim the boat.

Races are usually around five laps long, and all boats compete in five races per day with two days racing per weekend. Up to 14 boats race together at a time.
This was the first time Zapcat racing has been held in Northern Ireland since 2005 and the first time it has been held in Belfast.

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J3474, 4402 images   (more nearby search)
Date Taken
Sunday, 6 June, 2010   (more nearby)
Sunday, 6 June, 2010
Boat   (more nearby)
Subject Location
Irish: geotagged! J 3458 7423 [10m precision]
WGS84: 54:35.9028N 5:55.1048W
Camera Location
Irish: geotagged! J 3463 7425
View Direction
West-southwest (about 247 degrees)
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Image classification(about): Supplemental image
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