J3474 : Nos 14 - 18 Montgomery Street, Belfast (2)
taken 15 years ago, near to Belfast, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland

See J3474 : Nos 14-18 Montgomery Street, Belfast (3) for a later photograph of the same building with an amended planning application.
A small office building, at the corner of Montgomery Street and Gloucester Street. There was an application for planning permission (April 2011) as follows “0641/F 14 Montgomery Street, Belfast Demolition of existing building and erection of 14 storey building comprising 48no. small unit/studio apartments, ground floor to include retail frontage (amended scheme).”
The scheme was approved as follows: “Amendment to previously approved development Z/2010/0641/F. Alteration to apartment layout, reduction from 48 no. 1 person studios to 36 no. 1 bedroom apartments with associated minor elevational changes and replacement of ground floor retail with coffee shop. To include demolition of existing building. PERMISSION HAS BEEN GRANTED 28/09/2012”.
- Grid Square
- J3474, 4400 images (more nearby
- Photographer
- Albert Bridge (find more nearby)
- Date Taken
- Sunday, 20 June, 2010 (more nearby)
- Submitted
- Sunday, 20 June, 2010
- Category
- Development site (more nearby)
- Subject Location
J 341 740 [100m precision]
WGS84: 54:35.8188N 5:55.5547W - Camera Location
J 341 740
- View Direction
- West-northwest (about 292 degrees)