H1256 : Tully Castle, County Fermanagh
taken 19 years ago, 4 km N of Derrygonnelly, Co Fermanagh, Northern Ireland
This is 1 of 4 images, with title Tully Castle, County Fermanagh in this square

Tully Castle, County Fermanagh
Sir John Hume built this plantation castle in 1613. The life of the castle was brief as it was attacked and burnt in 1641. The 17th century herb garden has been revived within the bawn wall.
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- Grid Square
- H1256, 56 images (more nearby
- Photographer
- Kenneth Allen (find more nearby)
- Date Taken
- Monday, 17 July, 2006 (more nearby)
- Submitted
- Tuesday, 18 July, 2006
- Category
- Castle > Castle (more nearby)
- Subject Location
H 126 565 [100m precision]
WGS84: 54:27.4113N 7:48.3886W - Camera Location
H 126 565
- View Direction
- NORTH (about 0 degrees)
Image classification(about):
Geograph (Second Visitor for H1256)
· First in 5 Years (TPoint) (about)
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