J3373 : Former Ulster Brewery, Belfast

taken 13 years ago, near to Belfast, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland

Former Ulster Brewery, Belfast
Former Ulster Brewery, Belfast
The remains of the former Ulster Brewery just off Sandy Row. Built in 1869 to a design by Alex McAllister. The archway was listed as HB26/29/002 but was subsequently delisted. Not on the official “at risk” register. For the record the building was used to train the volunteers who later formed part of the 36th Ulster Division at the Somme. See also J3373 : War memorial, Sandy Row, Belfast.
The Gilpin's site, Sandy Row, Belfast

A long-term derelict former furniture shop, in Sandy Row, with no immediate proposals for redevelopment.
There is a lengthy draft Belfast City Council feasibility study (undated in the web version available on 11 August 2019) which concludes “The project is complex. As an initial step the building needs to be transferred from the private sector to an appropriate entity, possibly the Council, and appropriate grant funding secured. Given the mix of uses it is likely that this entity will act as a landlord, providing space to a range of occupiers who will then be responsible for delivery. Individual agreements, linked to the underlying business model of each use, will be needed. The potential to incorporate the current community centre in the overall vision is noted, expanding both the area and scope of intervention. This approach would need to be dealt with in a parallel process because the community centre is currently a BCC asset. The internal capital process of extending and developing the community centre is different to the proposed acquisition and development of the Gilpins building even though they are inextricably linked. It should be noted as a challenge at this stage.”

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J3373, 2776 images   (more nearby search)
Date Taken
Sunday, 19 June, 2011   (more nearby)
Sunday, 19 June, 2011
Geographical Context
City, Town centre  Derelict, Disused  Industry 
Former (from Tags)
Subject Location
Irish: geotagged! J 333 734 [100m precision]
WGS84: 54:35.5074N 5:56.2575W
Camera Location
Irish: geotagged! J 334 734
View Direction
WEST (about 270 degrees)
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Other Tags
Belfast  Sandy Row (Belfast)  Ulster Brewery  Buildings at Risk  Battle of the Somme 

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Image classification(about): Geograph
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