W3397 : Castles of Munster: Dromagh, Cork (1)
taken 13 years ago, near to Dromagh, Co Cork, Ireland

Castles of Munster: Dromagh, Cork (1)
A bawn wall with four circular corner flankers once the principal seat of the O'Keefes now encloses a farmyard. It is said that this once contained a five storey tower house captured by Cromwell in 1652. In the mid C18 it was occupied by the Philpots, then the Leaders who remodelled it into a fine country house with outbuildings. Of their time are the central gateways in the east and west sides, the crenellations, and the upper parts of the flankers complete with fireplaces and windows. It has remained derelict since a fire in 1920.
W3397 : Castles of Munster: Dromagh, Cork (2)
W3397 : Castles of Munster: Dromagh, Cork (2)
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- Grid Square
- W3397, 2 images (more nearby
- Photographer
- Mike Searle (find more nearby)
- Date Taken
- Sunday, 10 June, 2012 (more nearby)
- Submitted
- Friday, 13 July, 2012
- Geographical Context
- Subject Location
W 3357 9796 [10m precision]
WGS84: 52:7.8011N 8:58.2471W - Camera Location
W 3359 9795
- View Direction
- West-northwest (about 292 degrees)
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