W4754 : Castles of Munster: Castle Bernard, Cork (1)
taken 13 years ago, near to Bandon, Co Cork, Ireland
This is 1 of 3 images, with title starting with Castles of Munster: Castle Bernard, Cork in this square

Castles of Munster: Castle Bernard, Cork (1)
Situated in splendid surroundings overlooking the golf course of Bandon Golf Club are the ruins of Castle Bernard, burnt by the IRA in 1921 and which has lain derelict ever since. The original tower house was once known as Castle Mahon, being the chief seat of a branch of the O'Mahonys until confiscation in 1588 when it was granted to Phane Beecher. In the 1640s it passed to the Bernard family who altered and rebuilt the castle during the C18. They were attacked here in 1690 by a Jacobite force led by a Colonel MacCarthy when several retainers were killed.
Major alterations and building was resumed in 1798 when Francis Bernard, 1st Viscount Bandon built a large two storey mansion alongside the old castle. The upper levels having been previously much altered were further remodelled by the addition of battlements and turrets in 1815. The old castle was given a similar treatment and was incorporated into the new building, such that it can no longer be recognised today.
W4754 : Castles of Munster: Castle Bernard, Cork (detail) (2)
Major alterations and building was resumed in 1798 when Francis Bernard, 1st Viscount Bandon built a large two storey mansion alongside the old castle. The upper levels having been previously much altered were further remodelled by the addition of battlements and turrets in 1815. The old castle was given a similar treatment and was incorporated into the new building, such that it can no longer be recognised today.
W4754 : Castles of Munster: Castle Bernard, Cork (detail) (2)
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- Grid Square
- W4754, 6 images (more nearby
- Photographer
- Mike Searle (find more nearby)
- Date Taken
- Wednesday, 13 June, 2012 (more nearby)
- Submitted
- Friday, 13 July, 2012
- Geographical Context
- Subject Location
W 4740 5438 [10m precision]
WGS84: 51:44.3929N 8:45.7314W - Camera Location
W 4745 5444
- View Direction
- Southwest (about 225 degrees)
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