M2925 : Galway - River Corrib Walk - Canal along and east of River Corrib, St Patrick's National School
taken 13 years ago, near to Salthill, Co Galway, Ireland
This is 1 of 47 images, with title starting with Galway - River Corrib Walk in this square

Galway - River Corrib Walk - Canal along and east of River Corrib, St Patrick's National School
View is to the northeast. This canal runs along the east bank of the River Corrib. Shown in the background to the left is the steeple of the St Nicholas Cathedral. Shown to the right along the east side of the canal is the back side of St Patrick's National School with the cross on the wall. In the foreground, the canal flows beneath a pedestrian bridge with a railing and off to the left over a dam to rejoin the River Corrib just north of O'Brien's Bridge.
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- Grid Square
- M2925, 489 images (more nearby
- Photographer
- Suzanne Mischyshyn (find more nearby)
- Date Taken
- Friday, 18 May, 2012 (more nearby)
- Submitted
- Saturday, 1 September, 2012
- Geographical Context
- Subject Location
M 296 251 [100m precision]
WGS84: 53:16.3250N 9:3.3576W - Camera Location
M 296 251
- View Direction
- North-northeast (about 22 degrees)
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