H3374 : Gable walls, Drumquin
taken 9 years ago, near to Drumquin, Co Tyrone, Northern Ireland

Gable walls, Drumquin
Pictured at the junction of Main Street and Omagh Road
Strictly speaking this is Drumnaforbe, but the term for the village is Drumquin and that includes the townland of Drumquin to the left of the bridge on Main Street and Drumnaforbe which is really the main street of the village
Strictly speaking this is Drumnaforbe, but the term for the village is Drumquin and that includes the townland of Drumquin to the left of the bridge on Main Street and Drumnaforbe which is really the main street of the village
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- Grid Square
- H3374, 376 images (more nearby
- Photographer
- Kenneth Allen (find more nearby)
- Date Taken
- Tuesday, 29 March, 2016 (more nearby)
- Submitted
- Wednesday, 30 March, 2016
- Geographical Context
- Subject Location
H 330 742 [100m precision]
WGS84: 54:36.9014N 7:29.3332W - Camera Location
H 330 742
- View Direction
- East-southeast (about 112 degrees)
Image classification(about):
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