J3473 : The Allstate Maysfields site, Belfast - May 2016(3)
taken 9 years ago, near to Belfast, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland
This is 1 of 4 images, with title starting with The Allstate Maysfields site, Belfast - May in this square

The Allstate Maysfields site, Belfast - May 2016(3)
Sheet piling at this footbridge J3473 : St George's harbour, Belfast (2).
The Allstate site, Maysfields,Belfast
A site, at Maysfields, close to Central station for which there is (8 December 2015) the following planning permission “Z/2015/0182/F New office development (6 storey with roof plant) with realignment of existing car parking, infilling of slipways, refurbishment of marina steps, creation of new cycleway, new area of open space and associated landscaping. Lands adjacent to East Bridge Street and accessed off Laganbank Road located between former Maysfield Leisure Centre and Central Station Belfast BT1 3PB”.
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- Grid Square
- J3473, 911 images (more nearby
- Photographer
- Albert Bridge (find more nearby)
- Date Taken
- Sunday, 15 May, 2016 (more nearby)
- Submitted
- Sunday, 15 May, 2016
- Geographical Context
- Place (from Tags)
- Primary Subject of Photo
- Subject Location
J 347 737 [100m precision]
WGS84: 54:35.6466N 5:54.9415W - Camera Location
J 347 737
- View Direction
- Northeast (about 45 degrees)
Image Type (about):
close look
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