H8745 : The front of the Armagh Public Library viewed from Abbey Street
taken 9 years ago, near to Armagh, Northern Ireland

The front of the Armagh Public Library viewed from Abbey Street
The web site of the Armagh Public Library states that ...(it is) the oldest library in Northern Ireland...founded in 1771 by Archbishop Richard Robinson as part of his plans to establish a university and to improve Armagh City. The 1773 ‘Act for settling and preserving the Publick Library in Armagh for ever’ established the Library and its name"
The Library building was designed by Thomas Cooley, and has always housed both the Library and the Library Keeper’s residence. In 1839 a gallery was added to the main public area, called the Long Room, to accommodate the growing collections. This was followed in 1848 by an extension on either side of the original building.
See other images of Armagh Public Library
The Library building was designed by Thomas Cooley, and has always housed both the Library and the Library Keeper’s residence. In 1839 a gallery was added to the main public area, called the Long Room, to accommodate the growing collections. This was followed in 1848 by an extension on either side of the original building.

See other images of Armagh Public Library
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- Grid Square
- H8745, 666 images (more nearby
- Photographer
- Eric Jones (find more nearby)
- Date Taken
- Wednesday, 1 June, 2016 (more nearby)
- Submitted
- Saturday, 11 June, 2016
- Geographical Context
- Subject Location
H 873 452 [100m precision]
WGS84: 54:20.9138N 6:39.4292W - Camera Location
H 873 453
- View Direction
- SOUTH (about 180 degrees)
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