V6644 : Castles of Munster: Dunboy, Cork

taken 18 years ago, near to Castletown Bearhaven, Co Cork, Ireland

Castles of Munster: Dunboy, Cork
Castles of Munster: Dunboy, Cork
This is all that remains of the castle of the O'Sullivan Beare clan whose chief Dermod, built and occupied it in about 1473. Following the defeat at Kinsale in 1601, Donal Cam O'Sullivan set about strengthening the castle defences at Dunboy, he then left to await Spanish reinforcements at Ardea, leaving the castle garrison of only 143 men under the command of Richard Mac Geoghegan.

The famous siege of Dunboy began on 6 June 1602, and after a week of bombardment by cannon, the castle was reduced to rubble. On the morning of 18 June 1602 the English army whose numbers amounted to over 2000 men, stormed the ruins slaughtering all before them. Even twenty men who had surrendered were not spared, and those that tried to flee by jumping into the sea were slashed to death in the water. The few who now remained descended to the cellar to blow themselves up with gunpowder, only to be hacked to death before they could light the fuses. It didn't even end there, that evening after the massacre, 58 surviving soldiers were executed in Castletown's (Castletownbere) market square. History later records the epic long march to Leitrim in the winter of 1603 by Donal Cam O'Sullivan Beare and his followers - a direct result of the defeats suffered by the Irish at the hands of Crown forces, at both Kinsale and Dunboy.
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V6644, 12 images   (more nearby search)
Date Taken
Sunday, 8 July, 2007   (more nearby)
Friday, 20 July, 2007
Castle > Castle   (more nearby)
Subject Location
Irish: geotagged! V 66 44 [1000m precision]
WGS84: 51:38.2629N 9:55.7439W
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Irish: geotagged! V 66797 44003
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Northeast (about 45 degrees)
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Castle  Dunboy 

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